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5 nov 2021 · Actualización: 15 sept 2023

Definitely recommend Doctor Xavier for any type of surgery.

Vale la pena

Valoración de Mitra55:

Very good. I couldn’t be happier with my experience

I came from Toronto, Canada for a Rhinoplasty with doctor Xavier Sanchez. My experience was amazing. Obviously I had a little pain due to the bone removal but that’s completely normal. My rhinoplasty experience was mostly uncomfortable due to the tampons in my nose and the fact that I couldn’t breath through my nose.

After my rhinoplasty the doctor checked up on my every single day. Everyday after work he to the place I stayed at and check to see if I’m doing okay or need anything. He is an amazing person and he’s done more than what he was supposed to do for us. Everything he has done for me is unforgettable. My nose turned out to really nice and cute, exactly what I wanted and how I imagined it to be. Doctor Sanchez if you’re seeing this, I really really appreciate everything you have done for me and I’ll never forget any of it. May god bless you. Thank you for everything


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